Salam..ermm,arini as usual la xd nk wt pe.arini bgsu mawi,bgsu surayah,mizan n mizah p tenom..tggl la ak,adk ak,abg n nnk ak je kt umh.sunyi tgk tv,mkn then smbg tgk tv blik.hehe..tbe nk on9 lak.nk menulis kt blog la kononnye..hehe.
Skg ni ak ngah cuti sem..2 bln..dr bln may ari2 smpai awl bln 7 ak blik awl..30june sb mndftr 2 july..huhu..ak study kt KL (IPB-Uitm)..ak amk business.skg dh thn ke2 ak kt sn.tggl sthn je lg nk 2 pn klu xd repeat paper.hehe..khdpn kt kolej mmg best.mcm2 org dn ragam yg kte akn jmpa..skaligus dpt wt kte jd matured wpn pngai bdk 2h ada tggl kt KL ni byk jg cbrn dn dugaannye.klu nk cte esk pn xabis,kna la pg n rasa sndiri pengalaman khdpn d kolej or universiti..
Kn ak amik business,nk d jdkn cte ari2 kolej ak ade wt entrepreneurship week ( e-Week ) dak2 business DIWAJIBKAN ikut.huhu..ktrg kna soh bka gerai.stiap clas n sem kna wt.malas gler time 2h nk ikut..yela,dgn asgnmnt yg byk ( due date dh dkt bru menggelupur nk wt.haha) ,test n quiz lg..huhu.byk btl nk wt mggu 2h..klu blh nk lect ckp,tpksa la..sbnrnya bnda nh ptndngan.gerai sape yg femes n byk pengunjung..d pndkkn cte,gerai ktrg mng la pla.gerai ktrg jd THE MOST WANTED..haha..dpt adiah duit rm300..cmpr ngn duit hasil ktrg meniage jd la rm600,ape lg ktrg p outing 1 clas.p men bowling kt times square n mkn..haha..tepaksa2 pn mng gk.1st prize lg..gler ade sket gmbr wk2 outing ak selitkn tuk tatapan..
poster yg d tmpal kt kolej..bangge siot..haha
member ppuan clas ak..hehe
tempat ktrg menjamu selera..=p
2 je la kot wt ms nk upload byk2.huhu..skadar brcerita pengalaman..hehe..dada..=p
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