Tuesday, August 23
Comel x? Comel x?
Hell..ooooo guys..hikhikhik..cuba try test tgk gmbr kt ats ni. comel x?? heeee..ak suka betol ngn lukisan ni. nak2 kura2 tuuuuu..eeeeeeee,comelllll..geram jeee..ni ISE yg bwt kn. ak salu pg kedai drg ni kt melaka. kt DATARAN PAHLAWAN..nama kedai drg KORAKORA ART.salu gak order kt drg. salu yg lukes tuk ak pelukis die nama TOINIE. da la pelukes2 die ensem..hahahhahaha..gatal. arga drg pn bepatutan. 2 yg ak rajen order jg 2. ak salu bg adiah kt family and mbr ak lukesan je kalau drg bday or kawen ke. mmg best r. drg ni mmg talented abes. kalau korang xtaw nk bg apa kt mbr or family as present, korang bg je lukesan. senang. abes cite. heee..and korang order je kt KORAKORA ART ni. order on9 pn boleh. ak ada kt labuan skg. ari 2 ak order on9 kt drg nk bg csn ak adiah tuk wedding die. mmg comel giler lukesan 2..:) korang boleh add drg ni kt FB juga..click je link ni..
Friday, August 19
Aku Baca Buku????
Haaaaaaaaa..korang nmpak x apa bnda yg kt atas 2?? taw x ape kejadahnye 2?? taw?? bagoh2 demo..hikhikhik..buku ni bertajuk DORK DIARIES PARTY TIME ( ak tlg bacakan kot2 korang xnmpk ke tajuk die 2 kannnnnn~ ) heeee..buku ni belongs to my adek..b4 ni buku ni kt lantai bilik ak je..tbe adek ak msg soh simpan buku ni. ak pn simpan la ( simpan la sgt. ak letak kt bilik nnk ak je..heee ). then td bosan2 ak rasa nk baca buku. so ak amek la buku ni baca. best pla buku ni. tp baru baca smpai page 31/279..fuhhhh!! byk g 2..ahahha
Kalau korang nk taw ak mana suka baca buku2 mcm ni. makes me sleepy..ZzzzZzzzZzzzz..krohh..krohh..huuuu..baca 2-3 page dah menguap sakan mcm x tido stahun. padahal bgn lmbt jg. haihhhh..xfhm ak dgn diri sendiri ( blh ke cm 2..heeee) ni ak rasa amek masa juga ni nk abes. tah2 ak nk balek melaka nt pn xabes2 lg. hahahha. buku ni yg ke-2 kot ak rasa. yg 1st ak xtaw kt mana koordinat die dlm umah ni. hakhakhak. pandai2 adek ak la cari nt.
Stakat ak baca yg baru smpai page 31 ni, buku ni menceritakan sekolah si Nikki J. Maxwell ni nk bwt party tari menari halloween. si Nikki ni xd la cntek mana.xpndai be fashion. tp die pla bekenan kt sorang mamat ni, nama Brandon. hot stuff la konon kt sek..phuiii~ kalau ada yg buruk mst ada yg cantek kannnnn~ yg cantek ni nama die Mackenzie Hollister. konon die ni plg cantek kt skolah. pndai fashion bagai. contra ngn si Nikki la ni..Hmmmmm, 2 je la ak nk cite. malas lak nk manaip. nak taw lebih lanjut better beli buku ni. best. nanti kalau rajen pg la usya website die. nt kalau korang borak2 tya pape kt die, korang sebut je nama ak MEERSHA..sah2 die xkenal..hahahahhaha..
Ni website die..hambekkkkkk ( bak kata my bucuk harum..hikhikhik ) DORK DIARIES PARTY TIME
p/s: click je tulisan kaler merah 2..ada adiah menanti..^____^
Tuesday, August 16
Kueh-mueh kelate
Salam..hmmm,sempena cuti semester yg xnk lama pla ni kannnn sy tbe2 rajen update blog,godek2 blog org smpai hilang 1 gadget dlm blog die. hikhikhik..soryyyy..:) time cuti ni blh la sy luangkan masa ngn my sayang ni. da start class krg terabai la my sayang ni. siannnn..and sempena bulan puasa ni sy nk tulis pasal kuih muih kelate kt my sayang ni (sayang la sgt kannnnnnn) hihikhik..xabes2 ngn sayang. cis..my sayang 2 a.k.a my blog ni leee..heee. ni semua kak arie pya pasal la ni. die pg borak sal kueh lak ari 2.then soh google.tgk cam best.2 yg tbe rasa nk cite sal kueh kelate.saje je wt post ni malam2.buat siang2 kang maw sungkai a.k.a berbuka puasa sy kang..heeee..xleyyyy gtowwwww..heee..sy bwt post ni smbil tgk cite Tooth Fairy. The Rock blakon kot.ensem..hikhikhik..gatal..sy tgk ngn my lil' cousin. byk tya betul.kenapa itu kenapa ini..haihhh..penat nk jwb.tp comel..heeee..^____^
dah alang2 cite sal kueh kelate ni sy nk cuba try test kecek la kan reti or ngam ke x bhsa kelate kawe..hahaha..sy dah beguru ngn ramai guru kt melaka 2 temasuk la my pumpkin..heee..smua bijoks2 blako..kannnnnnn~~ heee..ngarut2 pn banyak jg..cissss~~
kawe tanyo kat guru kawe yg 'gilo2' sal namo2 kueh ni.namo dio abe Peng(abe la sgt) phuiii..hahaha..toksey (betul ke x xtaw la..heee) kecek banyok maghi kito mulo kea..hahaha (motif gelak pn xtaw la..haihh..mcm2)
dah alang2 cite sal kueh kelate ni sy nk cuba try test kecek la kan reti or ngam ke x bhsa kelate kawe..hahaha..sy dah beguru ngn ramai guru kt melaka 2 temasuk la my pumpkin..heee..smua bijoks2 blako..kannnnnnn~~ heee..ngarut2 pn banyak jg..cissss~~
kawe tanyo kat guru kawe yg 'gilo2' sal namo2 kueh ni.namo dio abe Peng(abe la sgt) phuiii..hahaha..toksey (betul ke x xtaw la..heee) kecek banyok maghi kito mulo kea..hahaha (motif gelak pn xtaw la..haihh..mcm2)
hok ni namo dio KUEH BUAH PERIA. ado la jugok rupo buah peria sket2. warna xnok merioh la pulloouup kea..hee..after kawe google,katonyo inti dio kace ijo..
hok ni pulok di beri namo saudara saudari..cikebum2..ehhh,TERnyanyi pulak..hahaha..hok ni namo dio butir nako.kalau xpandai make lekat kat tekok katonyo. maw xlekat kat tekok ni. besar boleh tahan..heee..oghe kato bule puaso sajo ado butir nako ni
haaa..hok ni kawe penoh make. namo dio cek mek molek.meme sedak..di buek dari ubi keledek xsilap kawe. dale dio inti di buek dari ayer gulo. meme sedakkkkk smpai tesedak kawe..haha..make panah2 lagi sedak.
hok bulat2 ijau ni namo dio putri mandiI. ado gayo putri ko hok bulat2 ijau 2..heeee..kek google banyok sunggoh la gmbr dio. mace2 btk n ghupo ado. yg bawoh ni pn putri mandi jugok. putri mandi ni ado namo laen dio which is (org putisss la pula..cis) kepek idung. namo xnok market pla. heee..katonyo mace idung hok kepek 2..tahoooooo la sayooooo..heee
kueh putri mandi ni katonyo dale dio xdok gulo melako (xdok barreee). kueh ni tepung pulut semato. kelapo dio musti di rebus smpai btol2 masok. then baru campur gulo melako dale kelapo yg di rebus 2. nok bagi manih katonyo
hok kueh mace cekere kuro2 kawe ni namo dio kueh cara. meme cara arrr kueh ni. sedak pung sedak. mok kawe reti buek kueh ni. mokcik kawe reti buek cara belauk..sedakkkkk
hok mace roti canai mini ni namo dio kueh akok. my pumpkin suko rasonyo kueh ni. kueh ni pn katonyo manih leting jugok. ingredients dio telur n gulo melako (ada la lg bhn2 die yg laen)
haaaa..hok ni kawe tgk meme mace raso nok make terus..nampok mace sedak. kawe xpenoh make pn. 2 yg raso nok make 2. namo dio lopat tike. ni pun ado maso puaso jo katonyo. susoh nok dapat lopat tike ni. nok make keno lompat dulu pah tu tike..haha
bentuk mace kuih cara tp kaler kunin. tp hok ni buke kueh cara deh. hok ni namo dio nekbat. kueh ni mostly ado kat kelate n ganu jo. susoh nok dapat kek negri laen. mace bahulu kena rendam pn ado jugok kawe tgk. tp buke..oghe kato nekbat ni comel tp manih leting
ehhhh..dah last dah..alaaaaaaaa..baru nok kecek banyok dah nok abes pulok..huuu..hok last ni namo dio kotor sket. tp make jugok. namo blake kiro. sedak 2 penting. hahaha..hok bulat2 ni namo dio taik itik.. jange cakap kawe mencarut pla. meme 2 namo dio nok buek lagu mano..heeee.. tahi itik lagu ni ko?? tahoooo la sayooooo..hikhikhik
Haaaaa..amacam?? ada brannnn?? saya tggu masa kena bawa pg kelantan je ni..haaha..kalau ada org nk bawak la kannnnnn~~ heee.. ade byk lg kueh2 kelantan ni tp xlarat la haii nak tulis semua. xdok barrreee. kecek kelate da la hancus. beterabur. mcm ckp nogori pn ade jugak. hahahaha..dlm byk2 kueh ni kueh cekmek ngn kuih cara je saya penah makan. sian nye saya. huuuu..my pumpkin..nt bawa sy makan semua ni keh? hikhikhik. gatai..
Ni copy paste je..skadar hiburan..heee..;)
Kuih paling gangster = Lompat Tikam
Kuih paling sexy = Puteri Mandi
Kuih paling keji = Taik Itik
Kuih bajet cute = Cek mek molek
Kuih untuk awet muda = Seri Muka
Kuih takut untuk dimakan = NAGAsari
Kuih paling ***** = doDOL (ini kuih ke?)
Kuih paling style = Kuih CARA
Kuih untuk mekap = Tepung Gomak
Kuih paling alim = Kuih Ketayap
Kuih berlagu = Qasidah
Kuih ala hispanic = Kuih Lopez
Kuih paling lembap = Kuih Siput
Kuih paling kaya = Jala Emas
Kuih paling jauh = Kuih Bulan
Kuih penyakit lelaki kronik = Batang Buruk
Kuih meletup/pengganas = Kuih Bom
Kuih suka pukul = Kuih Lompang
Kuih dalam zoo = Badak Berendam
Kuih yang dicipta oleh Sam Polis Trafik = Sampreeeeettttt
Kuih Mami Penang Lip Lap Lip Lap = Kuih Gelang
Kuih suka pow = Pau
Kuih kuat cikcur disebalik batu = Cucur Udangzzzzz
Tapi banyak-banyak nama kuih yang buat gue tergelak macam setan ialah;
Kuih yang Khairul Fahmi Che Mat nak pulangkan – Kuih Cincin
Kueh Kelate
Thursday, August 11
I've got the feeling
I'm the type of girl that can be so hurt but can still look at you and smile. The type of girl who is willing to brighten your day even if i can't brighten mine.There comes a time in life when you have to let go of all pointless drama & the people who create it and surround your self with people who make you laugh so hard that can make you forget the bad and focus solely on the good things. Living through the hard times just makes me that much stronger. Life is about trusting our feelings and taking chances, losing and finding happiness, appreciating the memories and learning from the past. I may not be perfect but i'm always me. And don't worry about the people in your past. There's a reason why they didn't make it to the future. Being strong is the best decision when everything seems to be going wrong. Maybe we don't know what we have until we've lost it, but maybe it's also true that we don't know what we're missing until we find it.
After all, life is too short to be anything but happy. I know all of you especially YOU will success in the future and you can achieve your goal..^____^ I hope mine toooo..amen3..:) happy fasting guys..XOXOXO
After all, life is too short to be anything but happy. I know all of you especially YOU will success in the future and you can achieve your goal..^____^ I hope mine toooo..amen3..:) happy fasting guys..XOXOXO
Tuesday, August 2
5 wonders of the world
5 wonders of the world :
- Two girls sitting quite
- Wife not asking for money
- Girlfriend paying bill
- Girls coming without makeup
- He saying he have loved only one girl..^_^
Tuesday, June 28
Monday, June 13
Mari Melukis!!!
comel kan? kan? heeee |
TOINIE belabih..^_^ |
ni ISE yg lukes kn..heee |
ni TOINIE yg lukes kn..^_^ |
TOINIE lukes kan juga..:) |
TOINIE lg..heee |
1st gmbr ak yg TOINIE lukes..:) |
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adiah bday dari abg DILAH..( DmenC ART ) |
ni muka TOINIE..ak yg lukes..muahahhaha |
p/s : if u want to make any order for portrait or caricature just visit to KORAKORA GALLERY at DATARAN PAHLAWAN or just visit to this BLOG..:)
Friday, June 10
Thursday, June 9
My Sunshine
I am a daughter, a sister, a grand-daughter, a niece, a cousin, a friend, a student, a young girl and grown up woman. I am confident and scared, terrified and excited. I am loving, caring, and thoughtful and hopeful. I am sick and tired. I am shy and friendly, and careful and careless. I am misunderstood, misguided, and mislead. I am stubborn ( kan syg kan?? heee ). I am hardworking ( yeke??? heee) and determined, but a little scared on the inside. I wish on stars and dream my dreams. I pray to GOD and cry my tears. I smile on the outside, while i'm dying on the inside. I listen to others who won't listen to me. I believe in passion and true love. I love you and I want you. I like when you makes me feel like a woman and a little girl at the same time..:) I want to go on vacations with you, go swimming with you ( even i don't know how to swim..heee ), stay in bed for hours with you, watch the sunset with you, watch films and laugh all the night with you. Anything, really, as long as it's with you..( for sure after we married ) you know who you are..^^,
Friday, June 3
Life is short.
This is your life. Do what you love, and do it often. If you don't like something, change it. If you don't like your job, quit. If you don't have enough time, stop watching tv. If you are looking for the love of your life, stop; they will be waiting for you when you start doing things you love. Stop over analyzing, life s simple. All emotions are beautiful. When you eat, appreciate every last bite. Open your mind, arms, and heart to new things and people, we are united in our differences. Ask the next person you see, what their passion is, and share your inspiring dream with them. Travel often. Getting lost will help you find yourself. Some opportunities only come once, seize them. Life is about the people you meet, and the things you create with them so go out and start creating. Life is short. Live your dream and wear your passion.
Monday, March 28
The best things in the world :
- not coming home til 3 in the morning..(never do this tp mcm best..heee)
- when someone you love holds ur hand
- last minute plans that end up being one of ur best memories
- staying up all night on the phone
- finding the perfect outfit on the clearance rack
- singing like crazy in the car with ur best friend
- when u don't expect things to work out and they do!
- getting scared and holding on to someone
- falling asleep to the sound of ur favorite music or song
- hitting the drive-thru for breakfast while you're on the road
- the feeling of being fresh out of the shower
- going back to sleep on a day you decide to call out or class cancel like today
- the nights we can barely remember
- falling in LOVE with ****** ^_^
Saturday, March 5
I need someone...
- A million questions from me
- Uncontrollable laughter
- My family
- My appetite
- Musical outbursts
- Random dancing
- My friends
- Sad/happy tears
- Deep talks
- My imagination
- My dreams
- Walks in the rain
- Random texts
- Pointless drives
- Useless arguments
- A lot of patience
Friday, January 14
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